Veterans assistance (VA) coverage includes payment of utility bills, car payments, rent and mortgage payments, and other living expenses, such as food and transportation expenses. Lisa Groendal-Fitchena remembers growing up in the house around the corner. Her mother, Loretta, and father, Leon, a World War II veteran, still live in that house in the city of Wyoming, Michigan. Lisa and her siblings have been fighting for years to keep them there, in the place they've called home for half a century.
The house was deteriorating because Leon was having trouble keeping up with the repairs and conditions were becoming difficult for the elderly couple. Lisa learned how to help veterans through Habitat for Humanity's Repair Corps program, made possible by generous donations from The Home Depot Foundation. Lisa was introduced to Repair Corps through her uncle Roland Losey, a Vietnam veteran from the Purple Heart who learned about the program through the Department of Veterans Affairs. When he helped his father file the application, they were simply waiting for the furnace to be repaired, which was the original unit that was installed when the house was built in the 1960s.
They were stunned by Habitat's response. Thanks to the Repair Corps program, the family would receive not only the new oven they needed, but also an outdoor ramp, replacement windows, insulation in the basement, and new plumbing and electrical work in some parts of the house. Thanks to the partnership between Habitat for Humanity of Kent County and The Home Depot Foundation, Repair Corps teams and volunteers were able to make the home safer and more comfortable for Lisa's parents. Lisa (center) with her parents Leon (left) and Loretta (right) in front of their repaired house.
With the new ramp installed, getting back and forth is much easier for Leon, who at 92 years old doesn't move as well as when he worked on B-24 bombers in the Army Air Corps. Plus, with new windows and insulation, staying warm in winter will cost less. Learn more about how Habitat provides volunteer participation, homeownership and employment opportunities to U. S.
veterans, military service members and their families on our Veterans Build page. To prevent a nail from breaking the wood, turn it over and challenge the sharp end on a firm surface, such as concrete or metal. Find out how you can help us provide volunteer, homeownership and employment opportunities to U. veterans, military service members and their families.
The Repair Corps program helps veterans of the United States military perform critical repairs to their homes. Learn what a critical home repair is and what types of work are included. The Home Depot Foundation has been providing generous funds to help veterans with critical home repairs through its partnership with Habitat for Humanity. This program has been instrumental in assisting veterans like Leon Groendal-Fitchena maintain their homes so they can continue living in them comfortably.
The Repair Corps program is just one example of how The Home Depot Foundation is helping veterans across America. Through this program, veterans can receive assistance with repairs such as replacing windows or insulation or installing ramps or plumbing systems. This assistance helps veterans maintain their homes so they can continue living in them comfortably. The Home Depot Foundation also provides grants to local organizations that are dedicated to helping veterans with housing needs.
These grants are used to fund projects such as building new homes for veterans or providing financial assistance for home repairs. The Home Depot Foundation is committed to aiding veterans across America by providing generous funds for critical home repairs through its partnership with Habitat for Humanity. This program has been instrumental in helping veterans like Leon Groendal-Fitchena maintain their homes so they can continue living in them comfortably.